La Ciutat Proactiva 2024 grants seek innovative projects to tackle the drought

BIT Habitat is launching the fifth edition of the call for grants for urban innovation projects, known as La Ciutat Proactiva, which will provide financial and technical support for projects that help to combat the emergency situation caused by the drought and which help to improve the entire water cycle. The project submission period opens on Friday 19 April, and the total budget is 400,000 euros.

Imatge gràfica de La Ciutat Proactiva 2024.
11/04/2024 - 15:00 h - Environment and sustainability Ecologia Urbana

The BIT Habitat call, which is open from 19 April until 21 May, will fund projects with grants of between 30,000 and 100,000 euros, covering a maximum of 80% of the project’s total budget. The best solutions will be chosen for their high impact, innovative nature, bottom-up approach and scalability and replicability, and should fall within one of the following three lines of action:

  • Water management in public, collective and community space.
  • Innovative solutions for water infrastructure and systems in buildings.
  • Co-responsibility and awareness-raising around water

Information session to launch the call

With the aim of responding to any queries, on Friday 19 April, BIT Habitat will be holding an information session, which will also serve as an opportunity for participants to form consortia or come up with joint actions, where ideas and resources that might serve as inspiration can be shared. Prior booking is required to attend the information session, via this link.

During the event, a round table will be held featuring various experts who will address the problems resulting from the drought:

  • Narcís Prat, doctor of Biological Sciences and retired professor of Ecology at the UB.
  • Xavier Amores, director of Catalan Water Partnership.
  • Imma Estrada, Doctor of Engineering of Roads, Canals and Ports and lecturer at the UPC.
  • Vanessa Sarah Salvo, Scientific Director of Posidonia Green Project and researcher with the EMBIMOS group at the Marine Sciences Institute of the CSIC.
  • Moderated by Francesc Mauri, geographer and meteorologist for the 3Cat (TV3) group.

Further information on the BIT Habitat La Ciutat Proactiva website.